Okay. We had the COOLEST PDAY this last week! We went to this ancient town that’s set on this gorge that is from before Christ. It’s soooo pretty! Pictures can’t even do it justice. My whole district took a two hour train (where we played lots of phase 10) and got to Ronda. We hiked down to the bottom of the gorge. Then we went to this cool torture museum (the elders loved that) and then we went to this old palace that had these mines that went into the walls of the gorge that were from this Muslim kind in the 14th century. It’s so cool! We were sure that there was a hidden city in the walls of the gorge. And then we found those mines and realized we were probably right! haha it was the prettiest place I had ever been too.
So, now about missionary work..
Our Indian investigator Colgit invited us over for some traditional Indian food. So we had curry chicken, which I love, and this other bread. It was so good! It was a funny eating cita though because well.. she doesn’t speak English or Spanish. But she has a friend who does speak English, and he was there for another one of our lessons which was great! So I’m hoping that will help us to progress with her.
There are these three kids that we call the paraguayos where two of them are less active and the other boy wants to get baptized but his mom won’t let him yet. We see that almost every day. The oldest is 18 and his name is Ernesto, and up until this last week he has just been a punk and not been interested in anything. But we invited him to come play futbal with all of us one day, and afterwards he said he wants to start coming out with the missionaries again!! He has come with us to a couple lessons now and has been reading the things in Preach My Gospel that we ask him to prepare! It’s so cool to see that change in him! And now he talks about serving a mission himself... miracles!
Salvador (who has a date for baptism) tried to fetching drop us this week! I think he is having a hard time giving up marijuana and tobacco. But he wanted to go to the evangelic church again. So we told him to go check it out, and see the difference that he feels. He says he feels the spirit with us, so I know that when he goes there he won’t feel the same spirit that our gospel has. So he is going to it tomorrow, and will let us know his answer on Wednesday. We are praying for him!
It was a great week! Love you all
Hermana Knowles
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