Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hermana Knowles (5 Oct 15)

Heyyy fam!! Did you all have the most inspiring weekend ever?! I hope so, cuz I sure did. I just love conference weekend. I felt as if every word was directed at me and was exactly what I needed. The spirit definitely spoke to me and I learned a lot, and left renewed. Ahhhh I love conference!!

So it was a good week!! A little crazy (like always jaja) so I'll just do a short summary.
Monday we went to San Fernando for a zone pday! We made hot dogs and played basketball (woooo!) and games! It was a fun last pday for the zone.
Tuesday we finished packing/ cleaning, and did some service for a member who was cleaning out and selling her store. Then we had a cita with daiana and Mirian and Hna Hurtado was able to say bye to them. And it poured rain on the way home which we were so happy about, and we danced in the rain! Gotta find the good in everything.
Wednesday we left at 5:40 am so my comp could take her train for transfers, and I ended up going to puerto to be with the Hermanas, and we took one Hna to the train station and then headed back to Jerez to say bye to some other missionaries, and to eat some kebab. (Kebaptism for the newbie!) then went pack to puerto as we waited for Hna portas new comp, who ended up not getting off the train when she was supposed to, so we called like the whole world to try to find her, and then about an hour later she eventually came. Turns out she missed the stop so had to get off and back on going the other way. Haha, it was a crazy hour. But all is good! Then I headed back to Jerez, yet again, and got my new comp Hna rowley!!
She's awesome! She's from Middleton, so we know a bunch of the same people! And have a lot of connections. And turns out she only lives like a mile or two away so that's super cool! I love her and she's seriously the best. We get along super well.
Thursday we planned, then met with a less active member.
Friday we had district meeting, which was great. Then we went out to find!! And saw a lot of miracles!! All this little things happened that led us to these people, and everyone kept stopping us to talk to us!! We were walking by this cafe bar, and this guy started asking us questions, so we stopped and talked with him, and soon found he wasn't really interested haha, but this other guy was and we sat down and talked with him, and he was super interested! We taught the Book of Mormon, and he committed to reading it and this week we have a cita with him and with his whole family!!:) so cool!! Also, as we were talking all these people came and pulled up chairs to listen, and we got two more news with it. Haha WE FINALLY GOT INVESTIGATORS.
Then we were on our way to see this investigator, and we were walking along side this guy, so we decided to talk to him. Turns out he's from Columbia and was super interested! So we got his info and are planning on meeting up soon. Yay! And then we dropped by this investigator who normally has been super busy so we haven't been able to meet with her yet, but she was there and actually let us in!! And we had the coolest lesson with her! Her husband is a less active member who wanted to come back to church, and so she became interested. She expressed some of her concerns about the Book of Mormon, which we were able to help a little. And we committed her to reading he Book of Mormon, cuz she knows that she can't judge it without reading it. We set up another cita to meet with the whole family this week. Ahh! Then as we were walking home, another group of people stopped us and we got their info and set citas with them!

So then Saturday, we watched conference!! 
Some points that I really liked from conference. 
-exaltation is our goal. Discipleship is our journey. 
-The question they asked a lot, of "what lack I yet? What more can I do? What is keeping me progressing?" And to remember that God will take us as we are. 
- ship shaped and Bristol fashioned. 
-"and it came to pass that we did live after the manner of happiness." 2 nephi 5:27
- there is no darkness so dense, so menacing, that it cannot be overcome by light. 
- as we show that we are willing to obey, the spirit will give us more promptings, more frequently. This is especially true on the mission! And one of the things that I have learned while being here.
- "he knows of our anguish, and he is there for us."

I hope that you were all able to get a lot out of this conference and find some spiritual strength and some things that you can work on. And if you haven't seen the conference, I invite you all to watch it! We still need to watch the last session, because sadly it's too late at night for us to see it live. But this week we will:) 

Well, right now we are down here in Málaga for consejo de la misión. So I don't have much time to write! But we have a lot of exciting things planned for this week, so it should be a good one:) hope you all have a great week! 

Con cariño,
Hermana knowles 

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