Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hermana Knowles (12 Oct 15)

Not sure how it's Monday again.. This week has past by super week and has been really full! Consejo weeks are always loca, because it means two days in Malaga, zone meeting, and normally at least one intercambio! And this week was llena de traveling, planning, contacting, and a baptism! Of Jose Eduardo! Daiana's boyfriend, the one that we started teaching before we switched areas. I'm so so happy!

So a short overview of the week.....
Monday- consejo!! We went to Malaga, played some futbal with all the missionaries then, then ate some Taco Bell and headed to the mission home and started the consejo, which went well!
Tuesday- we finished consejo in the morning, and then headed back to Jerez in CAR! Whoo! The zone leaders got a car. So stoked.
Wednesday- we had interviews with president, which I don't know how it was already time to have those again since we have them every other transfer! I love being able to talk with president. I can definitely feel the love he has for each of us.
Thursday- we planned, and planned our taller for zone meeting, which was honestly so fun! They asked us to do a training on family history and temples. At consejo, a member of our stake came and spoke to us all about the importance of family history work and temples in missionary work. And it was so cool! Our purpose is not only to get baptisms, but to help our converts go to the temple so that they can receive all the blessings of the lord. Without temple ordinances, it's incomplete. Ahh also while we were planning, I finally took a look at my family tree on My Family Search, and I was so intrigued. It's so cool to look back at all those stories and pictures.. and theres a lot there! It has really changed the way I look at missionary work.
On Thursday we also did intercambios with the chiclana Hermanas, and I went out to chiclana to be with hermana Dueñas! It was so great! We saw a lot of cool miracles and added a few investigators. We also had a cool experience talking about temples and eternal families with a person we contacted:) we were walking by a house, and it had this song that we both liked blasting in the house, so we were like hey! Let's knock this door. When we did this younger lady answered, and she began by saying that she wasn't interested, and that she didn't have any faith. As we kept talking to her, she opened up and told us it was because her mother had passed away recently. We them testified of the temple and eternal families and the spirit was so strong! And she changed completely. She allowed us to teach her that day and wanted the Hermanas to come back another day:)
Friday- zone meeting! It was really good. Then that night we talked to a bunch of people and taught a few lessons in the street!
Saturday- was the baptism of Jose Eduardo!! Ahhhh I'm so happy! It has been so amazing to see him in this process, and compare who he was when I first met him, and who he is now. And his parents came to the baptism:)
Sunday- we had church, and then ate at a less active members house for her birthday! And then had a noche de hogar with Sara and Lina, our recent convert! We watched elder nelsons talk from conference. They are just the best!

So poco a poco we are finding people here! We added a few new investigators this week, but we got a lot of potentials that seem really good! And we are working super hard and talking to everyone. EVERYONE. so I know soon that the work will pick up here! We have one investigator that is great, and we want to start teaching her son as well. Anyways, it will come if we keep working hard, and it has so much potential! Our area just hadn't been taken care of for a while and we basically had to start from scratch.  

Also, we were finally able to see the last session of general conference, and I loved elder Durrant's talk about ponderizing a verse of scripture every week. His son is in our mission and is our AP, which makes it even cooler haha. But we have a goal to have a new ponderizing scripture every week. And I invite you all to do it to, and to have it burned into your hearts the message that it has. 

Well that's all! Pray for us so we can find some good investigators. :) you're all the best! Thanks! Have a great week! Go to church, ponderize the scriptures, do some family history work, take those names to the temple, and say your prayers! Love you all.

Con cariño, 
Hermana knowles 

14 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts? (Alma 5:14) 

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